Yesterday was yet another trip to our pediatrician to find out both Nolan and Ella have bronchiolitis, which requires breathing treatments for both of them every two to three hours. And Ella's ears are still not clear!
I snapped this picture of Nolan yesterday taking his "dinosaur medicine." I still don't have a picture of Ella because she screams bloody murder while taking her treatment, so she's been a bit more difficult.
It's so easy to focus on the negative things in life. As I've been
If my babies have to be sick, these are the things I cherish about this time:
I feel and am told I'm needed more during sickness than during any other time.
"Mama, 'hole' you, 'hole' you." This is what Nolan begs of me during most of our waking hours when he's not feeling up to par.
As Nolan and Ella take their breathing treatments, it forces me to sit on the couch and relax with them.
I enjoy quietly cuddling and caressing Nolan's
While Nolan takes his treatment, I whisper, "I love you, Nolan." He then returns with, "Lush you, Mama."
Allowing my babies to fall asleep in my arms. What a special time!
The feeling of giving all of myself to my babies that I love so much.
Remembering that as much as I may feel sorry for myself, there are those that have much more difficult situations to deal with, and with time, this will pass.
I'm evermore grateful that I'm able to stay home to nurture and care for my babies.
As tired as Craig and I may get, we realize that the day will come soon enough that Nolan and Ella will be grown and need a different kind of loving care. I will make the best of it, thank God for my blessings, and cherish the sweet moments of my days.