Monday, April 21, 2008

Ella's first food

Miss Ella was very excited to FINALLY get her first bite of food. (If that's what you want to call it.) Due to her lack of weight gain, her doctor advised me not to start her on any solids until she was progressively and consistently gaining weight. When I took her to the doctor Friday, she weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces and is back on the curve! So at almost 5 1/2 months old, we're finally able to start her on some solids.

She's looking pretty excited!
Her first bite of rice cereal.
She wasn't so sure what to think.
Although she didn't eat much (which I didn't expect), she got the hang of it after a few bites. She was happy to finally be able to eat like "the big people."

1 comment:

da momma said...

so cute! I love the flowers on your table! ;)