Wow, Ella's five months old, and she's growing like crazy. She's put on nearly three-and-a-half pounds in the last month! When I took her to the doctor for her four-month checkup, she weighed only 8 lbs 14 oz. When I weighed her this morning, she was about 12 lbs 3 oz. She's soley on formula now, and she's doing wonderfully!
When I took her to the doctor almost two weeks ago, she was definitely making progress back to the growth curve she had dropped off of. (3-12-08 post, Under the Curve.) I'm taking her back to the doctor later this week to make sure her ears are clear, and I'm sure we'll do another weight check.
Ella at five months

Ella at 4 months when we started supplementing.

Ella at three months
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