Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Okay, so I feel a bit stretched in many different directions, especially since I tried Pilates for the first time tonight.

I'm being stretched as a wife. I've been reading Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, and I'm really enjoying it when I have the time to read a few pages at a time. I've already taken away so much!

I'm being stretched as a mommy these days, adapting to new schedules and routines and more demands on my time for each of my three children.

I'm being stretched financially. Even when things don't seem to add up, God always provides.

I'm being stretched with my time. I'm sad that I've let life fly by without documenting what has occurred lately. I'm committed to keeping this blog updated for my kids' sake. I want to be able to look back at my journal entries and remember the sweet, tender moments, the crazy days, and the fun activities we do.

Most of all, I'm being stretched as a Christian. God is teaching me through very tough situations how to be patient. Remember the old saying, "God doesn't give you what you can't handle"? Well, someone gave me a different way to think of that, and I love it: God gives you what you can't handle so that you have no choice but to lean on Him.

I can't handle it on my own, and I don't want to handle it on my own. I need guidance in all that I do. I desire to be a Godly woman who's being formed into His image. I've got a long way to go because I have so many faults, but I'm ready to be stretched. So, God, mold me and stretch me!