A year ago today at 8:45 in the morning, our family welcomed you, a sweet, healthy five pound, 13 ounce little girl. Since we didn't know your gender, I was so pleasantly surprised when your Daddy announced that you were a girl!
You are such a joyous addition to our family! Your calm demeanor and flexible personality is so refreshing. You have a smile that lights up the room! This year has been so exciting and has flown by faster than we ever thought it would.
A list of fun facts at one year old:
* you have four teeth, two upper and two lower
* we think you said your first "real" word a few weeks ago, which interestingly was the same as Nolan's first word, duck
* you are such a great eater! (hence the orange nose...evidence of eating your orange veggies, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash)
* you are a noisy eater! You're full of grunts and squeaks when you eat
* you are drinking from a sippy cup and will soon drop the morning and nighttime bottle
* you sleep about 12 hours at night with two naps during the day totalling about three to four hours or so
* although you light up when Daddy gets home and can't wait for him to hold you, you seem to prefer cuddling with Mommy during bedtime prayers
* you are quite cautious when it comes to strangers or people that you don't know all that well
* you throw the most adorable tantrums (which won't be so adorable soon, I know). You simply throw your head down to the floor and then look up at us with the most pitiful expression.
* you're full of new facial expressions. The newest one is when you scrunch your nose up while you're smiling
* you adore Nolan!
We love you so much, Ella!
Mommy and Daddy
Ahh! shes even holding up number ONE! :) So sweet!
Super cute! It was fun to run into you tonight at Braums- she is such a cute little toddler now!
What a sweet post. I love all the little details you wrote about. What a great way to capture the memories of her first year.
Looks like she really enjoyed her birthday cake. Did she try to eat the cupcake off her shirt? Ella is so adorable!
I really enjoyed the slide show with Nolan and Ella. My how they have changed in one short year! Your babies are so special to us.
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