The Saturday before Easter Sunday, we went to our church, Pantego Bible Church, for a kid-friendly service, egg hunt, bounce houses, petting zoo, food, and fellowship. We all had a wonderful time celebrating our Risen Lord!
Nolan's first encounter with the Easter Bunny wasn't such a good one. He wanted no part of posing with him for a picture! He took one look at him and said, No, No, No!

Once he calmed down, he was willing to sit far away from the Easter Bunny and let Ella be the one to take one for the team.

Ella enjoyed her first Easter egg hunt from the sidelines.

Nolan, on the other hand, had a great time gathering eggs and putting them in his "Melmo" basket. If you notice, he must have a thing for green eggs; he's got three in his hands. Finally, he gave up on collecting green eggs and decided to go for the ones closest to him, no matter what color they were.

When the hunt was over, he was still searching for more. He didn't care if they were broken in half with nothing in them, he still picked them up and put them in his basket.
(I love his hand on his forehead. He's really searching!)

After church on Easter Morning, we had our families come over for lunch. Sweet Alec loves his baby cousin, Ella. He's so good with the little kids! Alec, it's hard to believe you're almost 6 years old! I remember loving on you when you were Ella's age. My how time flies!!

Alec, Brooke, Keith, and Nolan had an egg hunt in our front yard. The lower level was for Alec, and the upper level was for the younger kids. They all had so much fun hunting eggs after lunch.

Nolan's really in to it!!

The kids did some jumping in the bounce house, too. (Keith, Nolan, Brooke) What a great way to get some energy out! Gotta love the static!

Nolan was WIPED out! He NEVER falls asleep in our arms. He likes to be in his bed to sleep, and I don't blame him; I do, too! This day was an exception, though. He passed out in Craig's arms at about 5:00. He took a bit of a catnap, but we didn't let him sleep too long. It was an early night at the Morris household! Both babies were in bed by 7:30.

Keith and Nolan played ring around the rosie with Keith's baby, Nicholas. It's not the best footage, but it's cute.