Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorable Memorial Day!

What excitement there is in seeing and hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time.

As of this mornig, we're blessed to have experienced that joy THREE times now. Yes, we are pregnant with our third child! He/she will debut in late December, and we couldn't be more thrilled.

God's timing is beautiful.


da momma said...

ahhh im choked up! love yall!

God is Good said...

I love you! I love that moment as well, but I also love the first butterfly movements.

Kobty's said...

WOW!! I didn't know you guys were gonna go for three. I'm so excited for you. Congrats!

Sydney said...

Congrats! What a blessing to your sweet family.

Nesha said...

Wow! I know you are thrilled beyond belief. Yahoo!

I have to admit, a little birdie told me about your newest sweetie pie a few weeks ago. I bet you can figure out who let the cat out of the bag!