Whether you come in to visit or just rest, when you enter our home may you be blessed! -- unknown
We are blessed to have such loving and supportive family, friends, and neighbors. My wish is that you always feel welcomed to our home. I desire to have an open heart in which I spend time cultivating deep, meaningful relationships with those around me. I believe that as we live in community with each other, we grow individually into a more purposeful and fulfilling life.
Don't worry about calling ahead or planning in advance; stop by whenever you have the chance. I can't promise you that my house will be spotless or that my children are behaving like perfect angels or that I'm beauty-pageant ready, but you're welcomed just the same.
If you're someone who's just stumbled upon my blog, thank you for visiting and sharing life with us. I'd love for you to leave a comment so that I have the privilege of knowing you.
So come on in and make yourself at home!
fun song, makes me wanna dance :) sweet thoughts too!
We strive for that "always welcome" feeling at our home too. With life as busy as it is, people don't tend to pop-in like they used to. Love the tux pic too.
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