Last Saturday, my dad and I threw a surprise party in the hut for Mom and Craig. We had family, some of whom drove more than four hours to attend, and many of Craig's closest friends, even a couple that flew in from other states to celebrate with him!
Craig used to celebrate his birthday with his mom because their birthdays were only one day apart. Now that his mom is with Jesus, he celebrates with my mom, whose birthday is only a week from his. Mom and Craig have always had a special relationship, and I'm so grateful for their bond.
Singing Happy Birthday to each other.

May all your wishes come true!

Later in the evening, some of the guys hung around to play poker together. Some great guy time! Around the table is Craig, the goofy photo-poser; his brother, Brian; friend and neighbor, Omar; brother-in-law, Bryan; uncle-in-law, Ray; brother-in-law, John; friend, Gary. Craig is such a home-body, and I really do appreciate when he has opportunities to have guy-time. He doesn't do it often, and I think it's important for us to maintain our individuality. They had a great time together!

These two crazy brothers playing air guitar. If only I could remember what song they were playing. Two peas in a pod, these two!

But today, November 1st, is my sweetie's special day.
If only I had written these words myself:
Just think,
you're here not by chance, but by God's choosing.
His hand formed you and made you the person you are.
He compares you to no one else - you are one of a kind.
You lack nothing that His grace can't give you.
He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation.
---by Roy Lessin
I'm grateful for this day, a day to celebrate you. You're a fantastic husband and daddy, and I thank God for you every day! I pray for many, many happy birthdays yet to come!